Roy views India!
As a rambler I hesitated to take on the subject of Terror for my blog. Then I see that the editor of Guru Magazine (Bangkok Post) has written to Santa asking for many things for Christmas and eighth on the wish list is for a definition of the word 'terrorism' . While he has written this in a lighter vein, I am still relieved that I am not the only one who is confused. There is so much written about the Mumbai Terror that I still keep getting fws . on the subject. I admired the one written by Payoshi Roy, Class XI, Bishop Cottons Girls School, Bangalore and forwarded it to others. (I know most of you abhor Fws .) Her purpose: 'We are here to figure out what exactly is wrong with us, because it is evident that there is something horribly amiss in this country and it's people'. She is very clear about our faults. ' Discrimination is sadly practiced in every nook and corner of our country. We think it's insignificant, we think that it's just the wa...